About Us

Our team members are called Florelliens or Floreliennes. Whatever their function, they have one thing in common: good humour. Whether you come for pleasure or business, they will be happy to help you have a great time!

Our history

Does history take breaks? No. So, let's get started. It will give us an opportunity to leaf through our scrapbook of memories and see that on May 24th, 1952 (how distant that seems!), a certain person who embodied the new Cannes of the day was inspired to launch Florella. He was Monsieur Isette.

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florella (beta) - A propos


Pure strain Cannois and the big boss of Florella Florella


Italian cuisine professional and Revenue Manager Florella


Official Smile Provider and Reservation Manager Florella


Karaoke Expert and Reservation Agent Florella


Animal protector and Property Manager Florella


Numbers and letters addict and Expert Accountant Florella


Cannes outings specialist and Digital Marketing Manager Florella


Duster queen and Housekeeper Florella


Monsieur muscle and Lingère Florella


Happiness mascot and the muse of all the Florella team Florella


Reine de l'organisation et alternante gouvernante Florella


Notre maître Zen et agent de réservations Florella


Expert en danse de la Raclette et alternant réservation Florella


Globe trotteuse professionelle et Agent de réservations Florella


Maitre Yoda du Pricing - Revenue Manager Florella


Cookie-tologue et Assistante Comptable Florella


Dit "Coach Didier" - Consultant de qualité Florella

The history of the dilapidated hotel from which grew today’s Florella makes for a curious story. Back then it was not in great shape!

After many small renovations, Florella was born, the very embodiment of modern glamour and sensuality (Okay, that's not quite true!). No, this was formerly the Italian Quarter, where workers from over the border came to rest and enjoy a glass of grappa.

But the hotel failed to maintain its splendour (the Italians had not yet created Versace). This authentic 3-storey building became increasingly run-down and unsanitary, being neglected and slowly deteriorating in a district left out of Cannes city restoration projects and tucked well away from the glitter of stardust.

At the end of the 1980s, however, an urban renewal programme was launched there, and the architect proposed to integrate the building’s facade into the new look. The prefecture, however, demanded its demolition for health reasons.

An association of residents (hooray!) protested this plan. At the end of various legal, political, and administrative vicissitudes that lasted for several years, the details of which we will spare you, the hotel was finally saved in the mid-90s, to be transformed into an improved boarding house to the delight of local residents (or not).

This is where our last, but not least, protagonist comes into the picture: Little Laurent

Little Laurent, who became aware of the Florella during his trips back and forth throughout the neighbourhood (on his bike). As his fascination increased, it became a place of pilgrimage for him, one of the key locations of his life on the Boulevard République, just like his father's wine cellar and the Wednesday afternoon karate club (this unusual mixture explains a lot about his character ...).

He must indeed have developed a particularly strong attachment to the Florella (we won’t go so far as to say it was Stockholm syndrome because, in the end, he did nothing wrong with this building) because as soon as it went up for sale in 2008, the former Little Laurent (who was, of course, a lot bigger by now) bought his first building in a long Florellian series… His goal? As with any self-respecting Cannes resident, it was about rejuvenating his city and offering people the best possible experience of ‘the new Cannes’ 2.0 (it’s not always about profit!).

So, you can see that his boyhood fascination was in fact only the beginning of a great adventure which continues to grow and adapt to the needs of those who come to Cannes; those visitors who want to have a different kind of experience of the city; basically, you! (Cue tears of joy... don't worry, we can't see you through your screen). Drawing on this DNA, and inspired by the vision of Little Laurent, Florella speaks of endless possibilities, of a mythical utopia that captivates and transforms all those who seek out the real Cannes during their stay. Living in the place beyond the horizon of endless possibilities, hope, love and life.

Come and meet us


4 Rue Jean Jaurès,
06400 - Cannes
+33 (0)4 22 32 62 50

Come and meet us

Please give us your contact details and tell us about your request. We will respond as soon as possible.

Nos Services

florella (beta) - Services

as at home

We provide towels and linen for every stay, and it is also possible to request baby kits for families. Our fully equipped kitchens are practical and functional, in spacious and conveniently located flats. Most importantly, pets are welcome!

florella (beta) - Services

A successful
business trip

For your professional stays (congresses, events, seminars...), our accommodation solutions will enable you to house your teams in the best conditions. Wi-Fi is of course free and functional.

florella (beta) - Services

Our team
is available 7 days a week

Our Florellian team is available to answer all your requests during your stay (transfer, luggage storage, breakfast*...). It is also possible to send us your special requests in advance so that we can prepare your arrival as well as possible, whether it be for birthdays, romantic evenings, wedding proposals etc.

All our services
+33 (0)4 22 32 62 50 reservations@florella.fr

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